Monday, June 3, 2013

The freelance life/ Moving on

Over the past few years, I've learned a lot about working as a designer. I have a lot of passion for what I do, and doing good work is very important to me.

As a freelancer, I've felt a bit like a nomad. I've worked on great projects for large and small clients, and appreciate the experience of working at agencies of varying size, in-house, etc. While the freelance life has given me flexibility and wisdom about many different environments, there have been situations where I haven't been able to make the level of contribution that I would like to.

There was one time in particular when I was working on a very large team and I felt that it would be impossible to actually do good work (which is unfortunate by itself), but what was really disappointing to me is that I felt that regardless of how hard I fought for it, I wouldn't be able to make much difference. I realize now that no one is going to give you that entitlement, regardless of your employment status as freelance or full-time. Since then I've decided that I will always take a strong stance and do my best to prevent a situation that could compromise the quality of my work, even if it causes me discomfort.

I am truly ready to land somewhere full-time, making the highest level of contribution possible. I honestly can't wait.

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