Friday, August 6, 2010

Observation drawings

I'm playing with the ideas of observational drawing and recording details of buildings and the inherent patterns in our surroundings. Also I started to create a personal geography of the Lower East side, so I roughly located points of interest in the area and recorded the most interesting detail I remembered from my experience. I worked on more abstract mapping in some paintings - one I included in my previous post.

Next I would like to do some more research on the historical importance of buildings to build more connection to the details, then draw and label them. The more delicate the paper the better, to represent the fragility of memory and physical history that surrounds us. I'm thinking this beautiful rice paper that I have might work.


  1. these are placid and affective — a great way to contemplate over the summer. have you been to this:

    i'm personally thrilled that geography is making a comeback in an experimental and experiential manner. what can you visually explore that maps the psychological and spiritual?

  2. Liz,
    I'm glad to see you've been keeping a sketchbook_ these are great drawings, they have an interesting line quality.
    M. Hinebrook

  3. Thank you Mark and Michelle for the kind comments, and for giving me motivation to keep drawing! I will try to keep it up as the school year continues - somehow use them as a starting point for my thesis work. I have a bunch more that I'm posting now!
